3rd Workshop on
Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems

In conjunction with

IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks 

DSN 2018, Luxembourg

Conference Program



Dependability and Security in Critical Transportation Industries (Slides)
Michael Paulitsch, Intel Labs Europe

Ensuring safety and security is hard by itself. The future will demand integrated security and safety approaches due to cost and operational requirements and evolving system complexities based on additional functional needs. This talk will present examples of high-level system electronic architectures of aerospace and railway systems as examples of safety-critical transportation systems with focus on current and evolving safety and security perspectives. In this context it will discuss current and future research directions of transportation industries for open discussion at the workshop.


Michael Paulitsch is Dependability Systems Architect (Principal Engineer) at Intel as part of Intel Labs Europe since March 2018 and located in Munich, Germany,. His research interests are in dependable systems including security aspects affecting safety of all types of cyber-physical systems. From August 2014 to March 2018, He has been Head of Base Systems and Product Line Manager Vital Platform of Main Line Systems at Thales Austria GmbH (part of Thales Ground Transportation Systems) in Vienna, Austria. In these roles he has been responsible for the execution and strategy of as well as research on a safety-critical computing and communication platform with security requirements for railway and subway systems – called Thales TAS Platform. Before this, Michael has been Senior Expert of “Dependable Computing and Networks” as well as Scientific Director at Airbus Group Innovations in the “Electronic, Communication and Intelligent Systems” department based in Munich, Germany. There his work focused on dependable embedded and secure embedded computing and networks. From 2003 to 2008, he worked at Honeywell Aerospace in the U.S. on software and electronic platforms in the area of business, regional, air transport, and human space avionics and engine control electronics. Michael Paulitsch published 50+ scientific papers in his area of expertise, participates in internal scientific conference committees and holds 25+ patents. He holds a doctoral degree in technical sciences from the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria with emphasis on dependable embedded systems and a doctoral degree in economics and social sciences with emphasis on production management aspects.

Important Dates

  • Extended workshop submission deadline:
    8th April 2018 (aoe)
  • Workshop submission deadline:
    1th April 2018 (aoe) 
  • Notification of acceptance:
    6th May 2018
  • Final versions:
    13th May 2018
  • Workshop:
    25th June 2018
  • Main conference:
    25th – 28th June 2018


At their heart, many critical systems and system infrastructures are composed of real-time and embedded systems (RTES). For example, RTES control our power grids, maintain our smart homes, steer our vehicles or they host the software in road-side units that allow our vehicles to drive more safely and more efficiently. For sure, they will open the way to even more challenging applications, such as in autonomous and cooperating vehicles, terrestrial or aerial.

However, most of these RTES are distributed or networked, which makes them vulnerable both to accidental faults and targeted attacks and advanced and persistent threats. Worse, compromise of a few nodes may bring down the entire system, in particular if attacks persist.

The grand challenges brought in by these scenarios include ensuring continuous unmaintained operation under faults and attacks. Systems may possibly utilize easier to upgrade computation resources in mobile phones or road side units whose trustworthiness needs to be established while the RTES approaches these units. And while attackers may try to compromise the RTES’ functionality or timing, we seek to protect the integrity and timeliness of systems and the privacy of their users. Mastering these challenges requires the expertise of several research areas, and so, the goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers from the security and dependability, distributed systems and real-time communities, in order to discuss and promote new and exciting research ideas and initiatives, and to identify and discuss the challenges that lie ahead for such critical applications.

CERTS’18 strives for an inclusive and diverse program and solicits short and long technical papers on open problems, experiments, case studies, new ideas, or future challenges.

Scope and Topics of Interest

CERTS’18 is open to all topics at the intersection of security and dependability of embedded and real-time systems, with an emphasis on criticality and distribution. As such, areas of interest include but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Security and dependability of cyber-physical and other real-time and embedded systems,
  • Vulnerabilities and protective measures of CPS infrastructure,
  • Fault and intrusion tolerant distributed real-time systems,
  • Confidentiality and privacy in real-time and embedded systems, and
  • System architectures encompassing combinations of distribution, security, dependability and timeliness.

Contribution formats include technical presentations of systems, system models and architectures, methods, tools, protocols and infrastructures to improve the dependability and security of real-time systems but also open problems and future challenges papers and experimental papers including experience reports and negative results.

Call for Papers

Preliminary Call for Papers (pdf/txt)

Submission Formats

  • Short Work-in-Progress Paper: up to two pages, standard IEEE format
  • Full Paper: up to six pages, standard IEEE format

Adherence to the format is strict, but we tolerate moderately exceeding the page limit (by up to two pages) if the content so justifies.

Paper Submission and Formatting Guidelines

Submitted papers must strictly follow the IEEE conference format (2 columns, 10 pt, single-line spacing, A4 paper) and should be submitted in PDF format.

LaTeX and MS Word templates may be found at: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee.

Submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=certs2018


Title Image: Shikhlinski (public domain) original can be found here.

Workshop Organizers

Sibin Mohan
University of Illinois

Mikael Asplund
Linköpings Universitet

Steering Commitee

Marcus Voelp
SnT – University of Luxembourg

Paulo Esteves-Verissimo
SnT – University of Luxembourg

Antonio Casimiro
University of Lisboa

Rodolfo Pellizzoni
University of Waterloo

Programm Committee

Antônio Augusto Fröhlich
Federal University of Santa Catarina

Rakesh Bobba
Oregon State University

Christian Esposito
University of Naples Federico II

Martin Gilje Jaatun
University of Stavanger

Karl Goeschka
Vienna University of Technology

Zbigniew Kalbarczyk
University of Illinois

Ravi Prakash
University of Dallas

Sasikumar Punnekat
Maelardalen University

Hans Reiser
Universität Passau

Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas
Maelardalen University

José Rufino
Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa

Elad Schiller
Chalmers University of Technology

Elena Troubitsyna
Abo Akademi

Martin Törngren

Bryan Ward
MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Heechul Yun
Kansas University

Saman Zonouz
Rutgers University